About Contact Lenses
Contact Lenses are a great alternative to spectacles, which is why they are increasing in popularity, being worn by millions in the UK.
There are many practical advantages to contact lens wear, not just for sports or recreational use, as well as cosmetic advantages too. Some people find that wearing contact lenses also gives them better vision as it offers a more "natural" form vision of correction.
There are two main types of contact lenses: Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) lenses and Soft Contact Lenses. The vast majority of contact lens wearers wear the Soft Contact Lens type.
Soft contact lenses are available for anything from daily wear (where a new lens is used for each day of wear) to monthly replacement contact lenses (where the lenses are removed, cleaned and disinfected each night, before being reused the following day).
The materials that contact lenses are made out of, and the design of the lenses themselves is constantly evolving. Today the vast majority of those who need vision correction can wear contact lenses. In fact even if you have tried contact lenses in the past, there may now be a lens which will work for you.
Contact lenses can only be fitted by or under the supervision of a registered optometrist, qualified dispensing optician or medical practitioner.
Please contact us via the Contact page for more information.