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I felt I must write and express my extreme gratitude for the time you spent examining my eyes ... Your patience and kindness meant a great deal to me ... 


S.R., Hartburn, Stockton.


Can we take this opportunity to thank all the staff for all the polite help we received when we visited Hendersons Opticians in Bishopton Lane, Stockton. Mr Stokeld took time to examine Margaret and he explained more ... than we had learned in the last 20 years.... Within a week (the Consultant) operated on Margaret's eye. ..., we cannot thank you enough for all the help you have given us - a lovely early Christmas gift.


M & E B, Fairfield, Stockton.


To say a big thank you to Kathryn & Matt who independenty, showed me such care and attention in getting me timely medical treatment for chronic uveitis at James Cook University Hospital.


Kind regards, sincerely, Mrs P H, Marton.


I cannot thank you enough for making the time to squeeze me in on Friday and then acting so quickly with the hospital referral. You literally may have saved my eyesight.


Thank you so much. Mrs LW, Stockton.


I'm so pleased I found you - I was beginning to despair of ever finding a good Optician. 


Mrs A C, Hilton, Yarm.

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